Our partnership with SD MicroMarkets!

Coffee Ambassador partners with San Diego MicroMarkets to provide a complete office coffee and micro market experience

A question we sometimes get from our customers is, “Do you do vending too?” While we do carry an array of breakroom supplies, we know that some companies want to offer broader snack and meal options to their customers and employees. That’s why we have partnered with SD MicroMarkets, a local company that provides a quality food experience that is unmatched by traditional vending. Check out the video below to learn more about how SD MicroMarkets is, like Coffee Ambassador, creating a better breaktime experience for San Diego companies.


View the benefits for your office of a MicroMarket over traditional vending solutions

Why MicroMarkets?

  1. Take your time, read labels, browse the entire selection with the precision of shopping at the grocery store before you buy.  SD MicroMarkets has a wide range of healthy and traditional food choices, and is constantly updating their menu!
  2. Once you have chosen an items, simply scan each item’s bar code similar to self-checkout at the grocery store.  If the item has no bar code, then the item will appear in the visual menu.
  3. Once you are happy with your selections, you can simply swipe your credit, debit or loyalty card.  

Want to learn more about installing a MicroMarket in your office?

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